Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Vegetable City!

Okay, so maybe we don't have that much yet, but we're certainly making progress in our little garden!

We've got a few little squash trying to make their way out of the woodwork--super excited for them to ripen!
I counted NINE little tomatoes yesterday morning! These two are definitely the biggest, but they still have a ways to go, which is good because with the number of tomatoes that are growing I'm going to have to learn how to can some salsa and marinara sauce!
This guy is the first official piece of produce to be picked from the garden! He measured in at a healthy eight inches, and actually surprised us a little bit because a few days ago he was only two or three inches long. If all of our squash/zucchini ripen that quickly we might be eating vegetarian for a few weeks!

Everything else looks to be progressing pretty well--I saw the first sign of a flower on our of our pepper plants, so hopefully they'll be pollinating and producing peppers soon!

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