Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Garrett: Nine Months!

Height/Weight: 28 inches and 19 pounds, 1 ounce. Relatively speaking, he's leaning out a little bit, but he's still plenty big. He's a pound heavier than William was at this age, and half an inch longer.

Wearing: Still rocking the size three diaper, although we're running out of those so I may try moving him up instead of buying more. We'll see. For the most part, he is fitting perfectly in nine month clothing. Some pants are a little on the short side, which exposes his poor little legs while I'm carrying him around outside in this cold weather. I've pulled out a few twelve month pants, but most of those are super long. Go figure. We might just be rotating the same four pairs of pants that fit well for the next few weeks--and I may be doing laundry a little more frequently as a result.

Eating: No issues with this one and food. Sometimes he'll turn his nose up at purees, but usually only if I give him finger foods first. We're still nursing, and he's actually doing better nursing during the day (yay!), although making that transition wasn't exactly easy. He consistently eats three meals a day, and nurses first thing in the morning, once or twice in the afternoon, and once before bed. Usually he'll have at least one snack as well, but only because I'm pretty sure food is this kid's love language and it's the easiest way to buy myself five minutes to get something done.

Sleep: I think (fingers crossed!) that we're finally seeing some improvement here. I could write a novel about this, but the long and the short of it is that we finally accepted that Garrett's night feedings were not necessary for his health, but rather happening out of habit and routine. So, much to his dismay, we decided that it was time to break him of the habit. Doing so resulted in a few nights of way worse sleep for all of us (nursing and putting him back to bed was way faster than trying to soothe him without letting him eat), but he will now pretty consistently give us at least one five or six hour stretch at night. We still let him nurse once in the middle of the night, and sometimes his "morning" feeding is at five am, after which he typically goes back to sleep (thankfully!). Most nights he still wakes up more frequently than that--and he would certainly nurse if we let him--but we're slowly teaching him that night is for sleeping, not eating, which has caused many a tear (both his and mine). Thankfully, he's still pretty consistent with his naps, although he tends to take his longer nap in the morning, which I would love to change so that the boys are napping together for longer in the afternoon.

Likes: I already mentioned his love of food, but I'm pretty sure his other love language is climbing. He's already climbing on things that William never did, and trying to climb higher on shelves/toys than William ever did. So that's fun. He's already given himself at least two bloody lips as a result of his monkey-ness. He's also seems to enjoy music and dancing a lot more than William did at this age, so that's fun. I'm excited to start him in Kindermusik after Christmas. And while I'm not quite positive I can move these into the "like" column, he is definitely starting to show a lot more interest in books, which I am thrilled with. Granted, he'd usually still rather play with other toys than read a story, and the only time he shows interest in them on his own is when he's pulling them off the shelves, but whatever. It's an improvement.

Dislikes: This isn't exactly a new one, but I don't think I've mentioned it before--this kid hates getting his diaper changed. It requires entirely too much time lying still on his back, and he just isn't okay with that. Which means this mama dislikes diaper changes probably as much as he does.

Firsts: Aside from his first Halloween, I can't really think of any other milestones. Is that bad? I'm sure he had plenty, but oh well. #secondchildproblems

Friday, November 6, 2015

SoDak Life

Fact: When you live in South Dakota in the late fall/early winter, "nice" days can be hard to come by. So when you have a day where the sun is shining and the winds are mild, you get outside. Even if the air temperature is only around forty degrees. Because low temperature is nothing a few extra layers can't fix.

Admittedly, we've had a really, really mild fall so far, and we may even have a few more days with temps near sixty--and you can bet we'll be outside on those days as well. Because I know the days are coming where good ol' Vitamin D will be hard to come by. So for the boys' sake as much as my own, we're going to soak up as much of it now as we can.

On a totally unrelated note, I figured out why I couldn't access photos from my phone for blog posts, and I got the issue resolved (yay!). So hopefully I'll be back with a Wordless Wednesday post next week--which is fortunate, because with the schedule we have for the next few weeks, it might be all I can manage to slap a few pictures on a post and hit publish.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Halloween 2015

Happy November! Hope everyone had a safe and wonderful Halloween. I can't believe we're in the homestretch to the end of the year--between Thanksgiving and Christmas the last two months always fly by--but thankfully the weather around here hasn't quite gotten the winter memo yet. Not only was I able to take the boys out for a walk (without blankets, hats, mittens, and coats), but after we got home William and I played with some bubbles outside for at least half an hour while Garrett was napping. And I even had to take my jacket off because I was getting too warm. It was wonderful.

And thankfully, we had the same nice weather over the weekend for Halloween. Granted, the costumes for the boys were probably better suited for cold weather (just playing the odds!), but there was just enough of a breeze that I wasn't terribly worried about them getting too hot. Instead of "traditional" trick-or-treating this year, our church hosted a "Trunk-or-Treat" event that we attended--as well as decorated our car for! It was a little last minute because these past few weeks have been crazy with sleep deprivation, sickness, and busy schedules, but I think it came together pretty well. I wish I would have been able to throw coordinating costumes together for Darrell and me, but oh well. Such is life. At least I remembered to take some pictures!

Our Zoo/Jungle-themed car
Close up of our fierce little lion. He was probably the hit of the event; it was pretty fun to see people's reactions when they realized we had an actual baby in our trunk
Our little monkey collecting his goodies with Grandma and Grandpa
It didn't take him long to figure out that people would put candy in his bag if he walked up to them with it. The whole saying "Trick or Treat" and "Thank You" was a little bit more challenging of a concept

Hanging out with his buddy the Minion!
And this last picture isn't technically from Halloween; we had a little photo shoot with the boys in their costumes a few weeks prior so we could put together some cards to send to the grandparents and great-grandparents, but I love this picture too much not to share it here!