Saturday, November 25, 2017

Connor: Two Months!

So I really need to do a better job about being punctual with these posts, if for no other reason than it is really hard to remember what happened during month two when we are already halfway into month three. But I'll do my best...

Height/Weight: Thanks to his two-month well-visit, we can accurately report that he is 13lbs 3oz and 23.5 inches. He technically isn't that much bigger than his brothers were at this age (William actually weighed more, if I recall correctly), but he definitely seems to carry his weight differently because I swear he is way chunkier than his brothers were.

Wearing: Well, the 0-3 month and 3 month clothes were short-lived; right around two months we started moving up to the 3-6 month size and haven't looked back. We also ended up trading in our last box of size one diapers because he was more than ready for size two diapers by two months. I actually traded them in for size three diapers because we already had a lot of size two on hand, and I'm convinced I'm going to need to trade in some of the size two as well because at the rate he's growing he'll outgrow them before we've used them all.

Eating: Nothing new here in terms of what he's eating, but we have tried a bottle a few times, and it's been hit or miss. Guess we'll have to keep working on it; I love my boy but Mama needs a break once in a while.

Sleeping: Oh boy. I was worried about jinxing this at one month, and I'm even more worried about jinxing it now. Due to some (unnecessary) concerns about his weight gain, we continued to make sure Connor was eating at least every four hours during the day and every five hours at night (or shorter stretches to make sure he was eating at least eight times a day). At night, this usually meant that we needed to wake Connor up for a feeding, because he would have no problem sleeping a five-hour stretch, and on the few occasions we slept through our alarm he'd give us a seven to eight hour stretch. We got the (more than) okay to let him sleep as long as he wants at night, and while I'll share more next month, suffice to say it's been going really well (knock on all the wood).

New Stuff: Well, with two (very loving) older brothers, it was bound to happen sooner than later, and at five weeks Connor caught his first cold. It really wasn't that terrible, but any baby that little with a cough and runny nose is sad business. However, once he got past that, he really started to intentionally smile--with a few giggles as well--so that's was really fun. Right at two months he did his first babysitting stint with Grandma and Grandpa while we had a date night. Apparently he fussed for most of the time and refused to take his bottle, but (like true grandparents) they still said he was great and they can't wait to have him back. Connor also got to celebrate his first Halloween at two months old, and thanks to a "favorite children's book" theme at our church's Trunk-or-Treat event he got to be part of a family "Where's Waldo" costume--quite possibly my favorite Halloween to date!