Saturday, February 10, 2024

Day in the Life: January 21st

Always nice to sleep in, although on a Sunday where we have to be at church at 8:15 (which is basically like every Sunday if I'm being honest) it's a little dicey to get this late of a start on our day

8:00 But look at us! On our way out the door on time!

9:00 My Sunday morning view (At least on the mornings I'm not in the choir loft)

10:00 My baking group also provided the treats for coffee hour this morning--just another busy Sunday morning for us!

11:00 Wrapped up my rehearsal with my youth chimes, now on to pulling some new music for my adult chimes group

12:00 Lunch time for my crew

1:00 Helping a gal from our church prep for the ACT (which--nerd alert--I genuinely love)

2:00 Still working hard at test prep

3:00 I swear I'm always doing laundry in these posts. Probably because it legitimately takes daily loads of laundry to keep up with this crew

4:00 Dropping the older two off at a friend's birthday party at an arcade. I'm sure they won't have any fun ;-)

5:00 And since the arcade is on the opposite side of town, I packed up some PTO stuff, headed to a coffee shop, and knocked a few things off my to-do list

6:00 Heading home with the sugared-up, over-stimulated party kids

7:00 Back at church for a meeting

8:00 Nothing like a solo run to Target after my meeting

9:00 Wrapping up a busy day with a drink and some menu planning (and just ignore the massive piles of laundry that didn't get put away, mmkay?)

10:00 Same spot, same drink, same untouched laundry, less productivity

And that's a wrap!