Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Photo Every Hour: May 21st

Woo-hoo for getting to sleep in on a Sunday!

8:00 Sunday Breakfast--cinnamon rolls and coffee (don't be too impressed, the rolls were leftover from something earlier in the week. We aren't always that fancy)

9:00 It's the last day of Sunday School for William, so we had him right a little Thank You card for his teachers

10:00 Getting all gussied up for church!

11:00 Pretty sure Darrell would have fussed at me if I had tried to take a picture during church, so this picture of our bulletin will have to suffice

12:00 Since it was the last day of Sunday School, the church planned a Family Fun Outing to a bowling alley. The boys had a blast, although they've asked to go bowling after church every week since!

1:00 Bowling and Pizza. My boys were happy campers

2:00 Grabbing a healthy snack and relaxing for a little bit while the boys are napping/resting

3:00 Someone had to be woken up from his nap and he wasn't too thrilled about it (Garrett, not Darrell ;-)

4:00 Bubbles!

5:00 Terrible picture of some leftover spaghetti for dinner (when we're lazy for a day, we're really lazy)

6:00 Flashlights are pretty much the coolest toys ever. They also suck through batteries like crazy

7:00 Time for snacks!

8:00 Pretty typical bedtime shenanigans. Pretty soon we'll be able to tuck them in and they'll go to sleep on their own, right?!? 

9:00 Attempting to be productive and menu plan with Netflix going in the background
 10:00 Pretty much the same as 9:00, except I had completely given up on being productive and was just watching NCIS
Definitely past my bedtime--Darn you NCIS for sucking us in once again!