Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Garrett: Three Months!

So I know I usually start these posts with the typical "I can't believe how fast my kid is growing" (because, yes, apparently I am "that mom" despite claiming otherwise prior to having kids), but this month, my sentiment is actually the opposite. It seems like Garrett has been a part of our family for way more than three months. Maybe the fact that we're hitting some sort of a grove makes him seem like a much more long-standing member of the family--but regardless of how many months and days it has (or hasn't) been, we are hopelessly in love and couldn't be happier with our newest addition!

Height/Weight: No official stats, but I'm guessing close to fourteen pounds and at least twenty-four inches (two feet!!)

Wearing: Still in size two diapers and 3-6 month clothing. Even though he is wearing pretty much all the same stuff William did, I swear the sizes are more inconsistent than I remember them being with him. We have two shirts from the same company in the same size, and one fits him great and the other is like a dress. Annoying. Needless to say, when I find something that fits it's on pretty heavy rotation.

Eating: Still exclusively nursing. He's wanting to eat pretty frequently during the day (every 2-3 hours), which I had hoped meant that he'd start consistently sleeping longer stretches at night, but no dice. He's still getting up every 3-4 hours at night to eat.

Sleeping: Per above, I completely jinxed any eight hour stretches we got last month. I honestly don't think we've gotten a five-hour stretch in the past month. But at least he eats and goes right back to sleep, so I suppose it could be worse. Naps are still all over the place, and daresay they've actually gotten worse. A trip to the store used to guarantee at least an hour nap, but now, despite falling asleep in the car, he wakes up as soon as the car seat is moved anywhere. And while he'll still nap in his swing at home, William has this sixth-sense for noticing when Garrett starts to stir in between sleep cycles, and promptly screams at me because Garrett is "awake"--which, of course, wakes Garrett up completely. We've done a few naps in the crib and they've gone okay, so I suspect we'll be moving in that direction as much as we can this month.

Likes: I know it's repetitive, but this kid seems to like just about everything. He's starting to play with toys a little more, so it'll be fun to see which ones he gravitates towards. He really likes to be moving and shaking, and even manages to scoot himself around a little bit. And (when we remember to do it) tummy time goes really well--it seemed to happen overnight that he started holding his head up all the way and even turn it from side to side while in the air.

Dislikes: Still not a fan of being in a poopy diaper (but can you blame him?) and gets unhappy if there is stuff going on around him that he can't see. As a result, he spends most of his time sitting on my lap or being carried outward.

Firsts: Really starting to giggle this month, and we're even getting some babbling--definitely more talkative than William was at this age! He's doing lots of reaching for and grabbing of his toys (or anything)--the other night he had such a grip on Darrell's sweatshirt he could barely put Garrett down to change his diaper. At the beginning of May he rolled from back to tummy, although I didn't actually witness it the first time. And I started to worry that I had just forgotten how I set him down because he didn't seem interested in doing it again later, but after a day or two he did it again for Darrell (although he really hasn't done it much since, so I wouldn't say that he's mastered the skill). Mom and Dad also went out for their first date night without either boy this month, and Grandma and Grandpa seemed to handle the two boys just fine so next month we are upping the ante and planning an overnight outing--wish us (and them!) luck!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

(Mostly) Wordless Wednesday

So in an effort to get back to more regular blogging, I'm going to give myself an easy goal: One post a week minimum. Plus I'd like to start a new thing on Wednesdays where I basically "dump" the random photos we take--so I figure at the very least, even if I don't have time for much else, hopefully I can at least find the time to slap a few pictures on a blog post and call it good. And maybe this will actually inspire me to take more of the fun, random, day-to-day photos. Because despite the ease with which I can take photos on my phone, nine times out of ten I don't bother to pull it out. And sometimes those normal, everyday moments are the memories (and images) I want to hold on to most.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Bit by Bit

This beauty is on its way to the house as we speak and I Can't.Wait. Bit by bit, piece by piece, we're slowly making this house into our home. Hard to believe we've been living here for over a year.