Thursday, July 21, 2011

Chump Change

Yes, Darrell and I store our loose change in a Crown Royal bottle. Don't judge. We happen to think it's a pretty creative way to reuse something that would otherwise just go into the trash (or recycling). It was finally time to break into it and take the change into the bank--and I bet you can't guess how much money was in there! I'll give you a minute to think about it and come up with an estimate.

Do you have one yet?

Darrell and I were way off--hopefully you are a better guesser than we are!

I'll help you out a little--here is a picture of all the coins grouped by type

Does that change your guess any? That quarter pile looks pretty big.....

You ready for this? I've got the final tally coming up....

$161.42! Can you believe that? Darrell and I were pretty dumbfounded by that total; we've just gotten into the habit of putting the money in there and not really thinking twice about it but holy cow does it add up quickly! Talk about a pleasant mid-week surprise. And I think next time I won't try counting it myself first--it took way longer than I had expected (I grossly underestimated how much change was in the bottle) and my fingers were just disgusting by the time I was done. I'll just let the automatic counting machines at the bank take care of it from here on out.

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