Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Photo Every Hour: January 21st

My goal is usually to get up around 6:20 and no later than 6:30 on school mornings. My cold and nine-month pregnant body had other plans this morning

7:00 For lunch and dinner I refuse to play short-order chef. At breakfast? That’s a whole different ball game. I’ve got toast and an egg going for William, oatmeal in the microwave for Garrett, and inevitably Connor will want yogurt and Cheerios for his breakfast

8:00 Momma pulled out her phone to take a picture and Connor brought his puppy over to show off. Works for me!

9:00 Don’t be fooled, they aren’t as helpful as they look. Although at ages 2 and 4 I’ll take what I can get

10:00 The only way I can get these boys to sit still to get their nails cut—letting them watch videos on the iPad 

11:00 This chair and I have been best buds these past few days. Between this cold kicking my butt and being nine-months pregnant I’ve been doing way more sitting and resting than usual

12:00 This picture would definitely have been better as a video. I have no idea what they are playing, but they thought it was the most hysterical game EVER 

1:00 Lunch time—followed by my last blood glucose test of this darn pregnancy! 

2:00 Game time with my favorite 4 year old (side note: Chutes and Ladders can take FOREVER to finish. I know Candyland gets a bad rap sometimes, but I definitely think this game might be worse. But he loves it so I love it)

3:00 I’m pretty sure William got these cars for his 1st birthday (so almost six years ago). Suffice to say we’ve gotten our money’s worth out of them 

4:00 You mean you don’t usually lay awkwardly on the floor to watch TV?

5:00 My bags are packed and I’m ready to go.... To Grandma and Grandpa’s house because Mom and Dad are headed to the hospital in the morning to evict this baby!

6:00 Waiting on Mr. Bottomless Pit to finish his dinner so we can load up and head to Grandma and Grandpa’s house

7:00 Adios kiddos! We’ll have a new brother or sister with us when we come back to get you (and for the record, the drop off and good bye wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be, although it certainly made the whole thing very real)

8:00 Wrapping up a few things with the PTO at William’s school  (and yes, drooling over delicious looking pizza was definitely necessary—can you say best fundraiser ever?!?) 

9:00 Snack time, Friends time (on the TV in the other room), and time to goof around on the iPad and (try to) relax before my induction tomorrow!  

10:00 On to round two of my snack and putzing around on the iPad 

Ready for bed—and as ready as we’ll ever be for the changes coming our way tomorrow!

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Photo Every Hour: December 21st

I didn't quite get this posted in December like I was hoping, but I'm about three weeks ahead of when I got around to writing my November post, so that counts for something, right?

I'm not even ashamed to admit that this is totally sleeping in and I love every minute of it

8:00 Play dough was a a popular gift item at Christmas with Darrell's family, and it has continued to hold the boys' interest, so I'll make peace with the mess and count it a win!

9:00 My grandma (mom's mom) turns 98 today! We're going to celebrate her birthday tomorrow when we go out to Mitchell (which is also our Christmas celebration with my mom's family) and I was volun-told by my mom that I would be providing the cake

10:00 Taking a break from the cake for some puzzle time with my favorite six-year old

11:00 Nothing like waiting until the last minute to get ready since we're starting our Christmas celebration with my dad's family today at 11:30 (nothing like a super busy weekend of Christmas celebrations at 8 months pregnant!)

12:00 Nothing but chaos with my dad's side of the family (I'm not sure if we were having our annual photo shoot with Grandpa or getting ready to sing Christmas carols or both!)
 1:00 Forgot to take a picture, but just imagine a similar scene to the one above--lots of people, lots of food, and lots of chaos packed into my sister's house

2:00 The annual bowling outing has officially started, but we are getting a quick loop in on the interstate so Connor can catch a little bit of a nap and hopefully survive the rest of the afternoon

3:00 Bowling!

4:00 I think they were getting a little stir crazy after nearly two hours at the bowling alley...

5:00 So of course it was a great idea to take them across the street for our annual Christmas dinner of Chinese food! (To be fair, I make it sound worse than it was. While it was a super long afternoon, the boys were definitely troopers. And we even managed to polish off a full two plates of our Chinese food!)

6:00 Home at last--doing what else but more puzzles

7:00 Snack time!

8:00 Feeling accomplished (and acting silly) after getting the boys down for an early bedtime

9:00 Time to finish the cake!

10:00 Cake: done. Bedtime snack: eaten. Crazy family Christmas Day One: survived. Time for a little putzing and then off to bed for Crazy Christmas Day Two tomorrow!
