Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Bad at Winter

So here's the deal. We live in South Dakota. It's winter--complete with snow on the ground--for nearly 50% of the year (or at least that's what it feels like). And aside from a short stint in Iowa for college (which let's be honest, is pretty much the same as SoDak anyway), I've lived in South Dakota my whole life. So you would think I'd have this whole winter thing down. But to be honest, I don't. In fact, I'm pretty terrible at it. And that's been increasingly evident as the boys have gotten older. William will be four in April, and he has never been sledding. He's never skied (downhill or cross country), never ice skated, never snowshoed, never really spent any extended time outside in the winter for any reason. And before you think that he's too young for those "sports", rest assured that I have friends who have taken their kids William's age (or younger!) to do all those activities. Meanwhile, William doesn't even have a proper pair of snow pants. Or gloves, for that matter. The only ones he has are unlined fleece ones that get wet pretty quickly. Which we've discovered the handful of times we've played out in the front yard. And by "we" I usually mean Darrell and the boys, because I usually find a reason that it makes more sense for me to be in the house getting something done than outside playing. Which is weird. Because I grew up sledding. I grew up downhill skiing. I grew up having snow ball fights. And for the most part, I'm fairly certain I enjoyed all of those things. But as an adult, going to play outside in the winter seems like a chore. There's so many layers to put on (and no matter how many I layer on I always seem to get cold!), there's snow that gets everywhere, and there's always (always!) a mitten or a boot falling off. Plus there's all the wet stuff that gets dragged in the house and makes a mess. Not to mention the fact that buying decent quality outdoor gear isn't exactly cheap--especially with as quickly as the boys outgrow stuff.

I don't mean to be a fun-hater in the winter. In fact, I pride myself on finding lots of fun (indoor!) activities to do with the boys. But thankfully Darrell (the North Carolinian, of all things!) seems to have a better tolerance than I do for playing in the snow or my boys might really never get to experience at least a fraction of the fun that can be had in the snow.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Photo Every Hour: January 21st

For what it's worth, I've had some other posts that I've been meaning to write in between these Photo Every Hour posts... But, well, clearly that hasn't happened. There's always next month, right?

It's a Saturday and the boys slept in until after seven. Win! 

8:00 Seriously. These boys and their "show". At least they are cute while insisting to watch a show every morning

9:00 Coloring has become a pretty serious pastime in this house. I mean, at least for the past three days. They'll be bored with it and not pick up a crayon for three more months #toddlers

10:00 Jonathan may only be able to hold one ball at a time, but don't worry--Garrett has two more ready in case he drops that one

11:00 The ladies ready for some freezer meal prep at my sister's Wildtree party

12:00 Lunchtime!

1:00 Getting settled down for nap time

2:00 When you have a friend who is trying to learn Italian (like--wants to pass some language test to eventually get certified to lead tours in Italy) what else is there to do but buy her some Dr. Seuss in Italian?!

3:00 Again with the coloring. And they're weirdly obsessed with coloring with highlighters. We'll find out later this week if they are washable. Good thing I buy their clothes cheap

4:00 Reading a story downstairs with William while Garrett does, well, something else

5:00 My little laundry "helpers"

6:00 Dinner is a wrap. With plenty of leftovers to spare (for now. I'm convinced that with as much as the boys eat we're going to have to start doubling recipes)

7:00 Nothing says calming down for bedtime like playing tickle monster on the couch

8:00 Ugh. Putting away the laundry is the worst part of doing the laundry

9:00 We're super awesome. Sometimes we actually talk to each other... And sometimes we just need some down time. Even from each other
Lest you think we spent the whole night checked out from each other and checked into our devices, we did eventually turn on an NCIS episode and cuddle a little bit. So there's that. And there's the whole forgetting to take the last few pictures. Whoops.