Monday, September 24, 2018

Connor: One Year!

Poof! And just like that, Connor is One!

Height/Weight: I think I predicted a month or two ago that he seemed to be hitting a plateau on his growth, and it seems I was right. His weight at a year was 20 lbs 5 oz (a little lighter than I had predicted, but still half a pound heavier than his brothers) and his height was 28 inches (roughly an inch shorter than his brothers). His height actually took a dip on his growth curve, not just a leveling out, and while our pediatrician will be concerned by that if the trend continues at fifteen months, right now he's just guessing it was a slightly inaccurate measurement or he is having a slightly delayed one-year growth spurt (which--given the way he's eaten in the week since his birthday--wouldn't be surprising in the least)

Wearing: Twelve month clothing and size four diapers--same as the last two months. I'd complain about being bored with his wardrobe options, but I'm actually kind of glad he hasn't grown out of the twelve month clothing just yet--I have lots of cool weather 12-month clothing that was passed down from the older two that now I'll get a chance to put Connor into as well!

Eating: He has gotten very aware of when/what other people are eating, and he'll more than voice his disapproval if you don't share. Now that he is a year, the honey restriction has been lifted, which was pretty much the only thing limiting his food--unless it had honey in it, he ate absolutely anything and everything we did. I'm still nursing three times a day (although pretty much solely by choice) and we've completely eliminated all nighttime feedings (hallelujah!)

Sleeping: I've officially decided this kid is a Jekyll and Hyde sleeper--it's either really, really good or absolutely terrible. Cutting the nighttime feeding initially went really well, and he started sleeping through the night almost immediately. Then, about ten days before his birthday, he got sick. First it was a fever (which actually didn't keep him up too much, although he was slightly more restless), and then it was a knock-down drag-out cold. It got so bad that for three or four nights the only way he could sleep (as well as breathe) was if one of us was sleeping in the recliner with him so he could be elevated. We seem to be back on an upward swing, though, so fingers crossed that sticks! He also pretty exclusively just takes one nap. With needing to pick William up at 2:45 I try to leave the house by 2:30, which means Connor needs to go down for his nap around noon (mind you, he doesn't always sleep the full 2.5 hours, but when he does, it's glorious). That doesn't really leave room for a morning nap, and usually he's fine without it, although sometimes if we are out of the house he'll catch a quick catnap in the car.

New Stuff: Connor is officially a stair master! He has been able to go up for a few months now, but just recently he figured out how to (safely!) crawl down. Sometimes he still needs help positioning himself correctly before maneuvering downward, but once he gets going he can go pretty quick. And speaking of being quick--Connor can be a serious speed demon when he crawls. We're pretty sure this is why he hasn't started walking yet; to him, crawling probably seems like a much faster (and safer!) endeavor. He has just recently started to cruise around furniture, though, and I'm sure once he realizes how quickly he can move on two feet that he'll be running in no time. He is getting really interactive (he loves to high five, he can throw up a mean "touchdown" signal, and he cuddles with/hugs stuffed animals whenever he is near one) and just plain fun to be around (most of the time--teething is still a brute, although the fifth one did come in and we seem to be hitting a little bit of a break from the worst of the pain, so that's been nice). I feel like he is going to be a completely different kid (ah! kid! not baby!) by the time I check back in at fifteen months--and I can hardly wait.