Monday, July 13, 2015

Garrett, Child of God

Growing up, I never expected that I would be baptizing my children in the same church I was baptized, confirmed, and then married in. Not that there is something wrong with the church, mind you--I just didn't plan on being in Sioux Falls that long. But plans change, life happens, and it all works out in the end. And not only have we been blessed with wonderful blood family, but we also have an amazing church family that (quite literally, it seems) loves our boys like their own children. I'm not naïve enough to confidently say that plans won't change again, but for now, it's fun to watch them grow up in this community of faith and imagine all of the milestones they will (hopefully) get to experience in this church. 

One of the few family photos we have. Whoops
My family

Garrett's sponsors: Uncle Mike and Aunt Macy

Darrell's parents

Wearing (and looking darn cute in!) Uncle Mike's baptismal outfit

And of course, it should be no surprise that Big Brother William did his best to steal the spotlight whenever he could--but when he's that cute, can you really blame him?

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Parenting Is...

Parenting is avoiding a tantrum by letting you child eat his bread with a spoon

Because there are just way bigger battles to fight than the "proper" way to eat a slice of bread. (And at least he isn't eating it butter-side down. This is a butter-side up house, folks.)