Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Photo Every Hour: July 21st

Yay for Connor sleeping (mostly!) through the night--boo for his refusal to go back to sleep after this feeding (and yay for husbands who are willing to stay up with him so I can go back to bed)

7:00 Although really, with views like this, even early mornings are tolerable at the lake

8:00 It's Danish Days in Viborg this weekend, which means starting our day with Aebleskiver! (aka Danish pancakes)

9:00 New to Danish Days this year--a party for the Fife and Drum at my parent's cabin after the parade. Nothing like waiting until the morning of to prep my contribution

10:00 Loaded up with our full car to head to the parade

11:00 The "babies" of the Fife and Drum Unit

12:00 Play time at the cabin while the guys get the grill fired up

1:00 Feeding time at the zoo!

2:00 Lake time with Daddy!

3:00 It's going to be hard for me to keep tabs on Connor during his nap if I drop the monitor... #momfail

4:00 Connor getting in on some swimming time

5:00 Cleaning up the remnants of the bar table--and getting photobombed by Darrell

6:00 More play time!

7:00 Lake calories don't count, right?

8:00 Settling down for bed at a remarkably reasonable time given the chaos of the day

9:00 Ugh... Speaking of chaos... Maybe if I just pour myself another drink and close my eyes the mess will go away?

10:00 Well, I've got my drink but (spoiler!)--the mess didn't go away on its own

Wrapping up a long but super fun day!

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Connor: Ten Months!

Height/Weight: No official stats, but if I'm being honest, I feel like he's plateaued here a little bit. Which isn't terribly uncommon for breastfed babies (especially ridiculously mobile ones); the other two just hit their plateaus earlier. I'm sure he'll still end up be bigger than both William and Garrett at a year, but maybe not by as much as I was initially thinking.

Wearing: Pretty much all twelve month clothing (plus a few eighteen month items, although pretty much just rompers which I've always felt like run a little small regardless of brand) and exclusively size four diapers.

Eating: Oh boy. Anything and everything. A few weeks ago we started giving him the same thing we were having for dinner (just diced up really small) and there's been absolutely no looking back. He has pretty much inhaled everything we've been giving him (jambalaya, salmon, enchiladas, tater tot casserole--just to name a few). He also tends to do better with his vegetables cut up small as opposed to pureed, although he'll still eat some purees as long as he's being served something else as well (which is good, because we had built up quite a stash in our freezer). He eats three meals a day with us, and nurses periodically in between (usually four or five times during the day plus at least one feeding at night still).

Sleeping: Still a little hit or miss, but we've started to see some improvement over the past few weeks because we've been making him cut down to just one feeding at night. Darrell had to sit with him for a few nights, but now even if he does wake up around midnight Darrell can usually get away with just rubbing his back and he'll fall back asleep. I can pretty well count on two naps out of him, although we don't always get his morning nap in at the house and sometimes he'll sneak in a late afternoon nap if we're out and about and his earlier naps weren't the greatest. Otherwise he usually settles down in his crib pretty well, and he almost always overlaps with Garrett for at least thirty minutes, which is glorious.

New Stuff: A little more quiet than last month, although we did hang out at the lake for a five day stretch over the 4th, so I suppose that length of time at the lake (and the 4th of July) was new, but he did really well--or at least as well as could be expected since he was cutting one of his top teeth (which, for the record, we were convinced was bothering him a month ago at the beach, and it now appears his other top tooth has started to swell up and come in, but I'm sure cutting that tooth completely will be another multi-week process as well #teethingsucks). While he's certainly been aware of his environment in the past, he's definitely started to become more intentional with and aware of how he interacts with it--things like clapping are no longer just random actions but a very conscious response to what is going on around him (which was a little problematic at my brother's baseball when we were the away team; he kept clapping when the majority of the other people were clapping, and they were all clapping for the opposite team!). The downside to this is that object permanence has started to rear its ugly head--he is fully aware that Mommy (and Daddy) still exist even after they leave the room, and he definitely makes it known that he does not approve of us walking away (which has been somewhat problematic at bedtime/nap time, although he gets over it pretty quickly). Plus, during the day, his brothers typically do an excellent job of distracting him, so I'm still able to step away to get a few things done. And I know I've said this about every one of my boys, but holy cow is this kid stubborn. He knows what he wants, and man alive he gets upset if he doesn't get it. He can get a little wild when he gets upset, and I don't know if it's just because he's a little bigger than his brothers were at this age or if he is just that much stronger, but sometimes I swear he is going to throw himself out of my arms. I suppose the upside to that is maybe he'll end up being a good roller coaster buddy for Daddy someday because he seems to not be bothered by throwing himself backwards and nearly ending up upside down #silverlining

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Photo Every Hour: June 21st

Well, I'm getting these up before my next photo every hour day. But not by much. Better late than never, I suppose?

2:12 Guess who still thinks he needs to get up multiple times a night to eat?

6:21 Eating... Again. And up for the day, because when you don't sleep through the night you always get up early, right?

7:00 Enjoying a little quiet playtime before his brothers get up and the house gets crazy

8:00 Prepping to be out of the house through lunchtime while trying to get the little one some breakfast (aka keep him contained and out of trouble)

9:00 First stop--Connor's nine month well visit

10:00 Second stop--The Outdoor Campus for William's Freshman Fisherman class

11:00 Playtime (and then lunchtime) for the younger two while William is at class

12:00 Wrapping up class and getting ready to head home!

1:00 Lunchtime for William while the other two settle down for their naps

2:00 Pro--Connor isn't napping so I can finally get his laundry from yesterday put away. Con--Connor isn't napping so I have a fun and fussy evening to look forward to

3:00 So glad we invested in a nice "trampoline" for the kids to use in the basement (cue eye roll)

4:00 Dinner prep and snack time

5:00 Isn't this how everyone plays with their exersaucer?

6:00 In the car--by myself! #thismustbewhatheavenfeelslike

7:00 After a few errands, time to meet some friends for Book Club or, as Darrell (more accurately) calls it, Mom Club That Occasionally Reads a Book

8:00 Love this time to unwind and chat without having to worry about the kids or stuff at the house...

9:00 Because I know as soon as I get home it's back to reality (and with three kids, laundry is always a reality)

10:00 And sometimes, when you escape your house for a few hours in the evening, it means you menu plan at ten at night #momlife #totallyworthit #atleastihavewine

Bedtime. At last.