Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weekend Fun

So when the forecast is calling for a high of 9 degrees and windchills causing temperatures to feel like -15 degrees or colder, what's the best way to spend your Saturday?

At an outdoor ice skating rink, of course!

You don't agree? Good, neither do I. I'm pretty sure we were there for all of 30 minutes before we left. But it was free skate rentals, and we've been wanting to go (check it off the 101 in 1001!), so we decided to layer up and brave it, at least for a little while. Maybe some time when the weather is nice bearable we'll go out again. Because after all, it is fun!

(I was rather impressed that I was able to kick my leg out for this picture and maintain my balance. My ice skating skills are quite sub-par. Darrell can skate circles around me--literally.)

We crossed another item off the 101 in 1001 today as well--I'll update on that tomorrow!

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