Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Looking Ahead

Walking into work today I had one of those moments where I thought, "Man I can't wait for (insert random thought) to happen". And it was almost instantly followed by a groan of "ugh, in a few months (more random stuff) is going to happen". So what's a girl to do when she's bored? Compile a list of what the next few months will likely have in store--good, bad, and otherwise.

The Good
--The temperatures getting warm enough to melt that annoying layer of snow and slush and ice that is packed down on roadways and walkways EVERYWHERE
--Finishing this stint of ridiculous hours at my part time job, which is closely followed by a four-day weekend (glorious! Less than 20 days--but who's counting?)
--Training for and running a 5K. It doesn't make me a nerd to be excited about training for a road race, trust me
--Improving my cooking skills and confidence in the kitchen. Just a few weeks ago I had to trim and cook raw chicken and it didn't totally gross me out! Baby step, I know, but at least it's something!
--Getting a dog! This may still be a good ways off, but I can still be excited about the prospect

The Bad
--Darrell's system conversion going live. He's been working crazy hours training for it and getting ready, but he's already told me that the first month or so they go live that it'll be even worse. Joy
--Helping my brother through his Chemistry class. Not that I have an issue helping him or anything, but if only his time management were better (nothing like having him come over at 8:30 last night to work through an assignment and lab that had to be submitted by midnight)
--The inevitable bouts of bitterly cold weather that will still pop up periodically, even after Mother Nature has teased us with some nice days (Friday's high: upper 30s. Saturday's high: 15 with ridiculous winds. Thanks a lot)
--The flooding the will likely ensue when all this snow finally does melt. The water tables in this area are already high from all the rain and flooding last summer, so this snow melt probably won't have very many places to go. Here's to hoping our house continues it's strong streak of no incidents!
--Trying to find another part-time job for the summer since I won't be working at the school and we won't have wedding money to supplement my lack of paychecks (unless people want to be realllly generous with their 1st anniversary gifts... :-D)

Of course, the wonderful irony of this post is that even a week from now I probably won't feel the same way about all of these things, and months from now when they have all passed they will probably be far more anti-climatic than I am making them out to be. Such is the nature of life. And such is the nature of my randomness to fill space by putting this on a blog post.

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