Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 "Resolutions"

So Darrell doesn't really buy into the whole concept behind making New Year's Resolutions, but because I like having tangible goals and a way to keep track of them, we sort of compromised. Actually, we "compromised" on this like six months ago, when I read about the idea of making a "101 in 1001" list. Basically, you are supposed to list 101 measurable and precise things to complete in 1001 days (just shy of three years). Darrell and I took a trip out to Rapid City this summer, so I figured 12 hours in the car was a good time to put our list together. But in the spirit of New Year's, I've decided to post our list now (and the progress we've made). Hopefully I'll also be able to figure out how to add the list permanently on the blog site so I can hold myself accountable for the progress. Oh, and we decided to split it up a little bit by coming up with 71 items for us to complete together and 15 each for individual goals. 
101 in 1001 (to be completed by April 20th, 2013)

Get a dog
Landscape the house (trees planted 9/26/10)
Go skiing in the Rocky Mountains
*Personal* (but over half-way done!)
Build a lower deck in our backyard
Go to a professional dinner theater
Go horseback riding
Get passports and use them
Reach $20,000 in savings (currently just shy of $7000--eek!)
Go to an amusement park
Go on a date once a month (so far so good!)
Take a wine tasting course
Go white-water rafting
Go to a real zoo (aka not the one in Sioux Falls)
Camp in five State Parks (Custer 7/28/10; Farm Island 9/4/10)
Take old-timey photos (7/26/10--although I so want to do it again!)
Play all of our classic board games (I think we have three left--I'm dreading playing Risk!)
Put a puzzle together (we got two ridiculously hard ones for Christmas, so hopefully we'll be getting to this one soon!)
Bike around the Sioux Falls bike trails
Go to a DI football game (Nebraska vs SDSU 9/25/10)
Organize the basement
Have a movie marathon (we have the "Bourne" just to find time to watch all three!)
Watch five classic movies
Go cross-country skiing
Spend a night on the Appalachian Trail
Go snowshoeing
Go sledding
Take ballroom dance lessons
Help someone pulled over on the interstate
Go to a shooting range
Shop at a Farmer's Market
Order a restaurant meal that we can't pronounce
Eat at Touch of Europe (8/13/10--if you've never been you should go, it's great!)
Have a romantic picnic
Go stargazing
Go skinny dipping
Eat a lobster
Be greeters at church
Play bocce ball (9/4/10)
Ride a trolley
Go on a carriage ride (8/13/10)
Start a garden
Host a holiday party
Buy new kitchen chairs (10/8/10--although we just finished assembling them last week!)
Go to a homecoming at Wartburg (10/23/10)
Visit the State Capitol (9/4/10)
Go ice skating outdoors
Give $3000 in offerings to church (I think we're close to $1000??)
Take a canoe trip
Fly a kite
Go to a Pow-wow
Go to a State Fair
Throw a dart at the map and go where it lands
Spend a weekend at my parent's lake cabin
Read "The 5 Love Languages" (we're about halfway through!)
Go to a Pheasants game
Tour a battleship
Make one of the drinks on our drink mixer
Go to a driving range together (8/14/10)
Carve pumpkins
Make a decision by flipping a coin
Clean and organize the garage
Insulate the garage
Celebrate Christmas morning at our house (didn't happen this year, and next year isn't looking good either...)
Go to a museum (9/4/10--SD Cultural and Heritage Museum)
Go to an art gallery
State at a Bed and Breakfast
Complete the wine passport for downtown Sioux Falls
--Darrell's items--
Get an eagle (while golfing, not the animal)
Golf eighteen holes in under 85 strokes
Visit Mount Rushmore (7/26/10)
Learn a song on the guitar
Get a new computer
Randomly send Jess flowers
Be hoakey and agree to see the project through to completion
Hang hammocks in the basement
Build a wine rack for the kitchen
Surprise Jess with a romantic dinner
Take a photography class
Learn how to drive a boat/pontoon
Pay off car
Start swimming laps again
Donate one gallon of blood
--My goals--
Donate hair to Locks of Love (so! close!)
Run a 10K
Read 25 books (six down!)
Not buy clothes or shoes for two months
Enter a writing contest
Have a "Pirates" marathon (any takers? Darrell refuses)
Mow the yard
Finish our wedding scrapbook (12/14/10)
Score a goal
Get comfortable driving Darrell's car
Bake a cheesecake with no cracks
Sing karaoke
Subscribe to a cooking magazine and make a recipe out of every issue
Get and use a gym membership (got it on 8/1/10....need to get better at using it)
Get all my stuff cleaned out of my parent's house

Well, there you have it. Not exactly resolutions, but hopefully things that we can find the time to complete in the next few years, and feel good about doing together. If I'm counting correctly we have 12 completed and a handful more in progress--not too bad I don't think! If you have the means to assist us in completing any of these--or if you're just interested in doing one of them with us--let me know! I'm also cheating a little (shh, don't tell Darrell) by making an actual New Year's resolution for both of us--I think we really need to work on eating more balanced meals (sometimes I think we don't know what fruit is) as well as smaller portions. There are nights where we'll load our plates up with spaghetti and call that dinner, when I really don't think it counts (nutritionally, at least) for anything but grains and meat. And since I'm having to cook at least two nights a week hopefully we can make this change pretty effortlessly. Hopefully by easing into the change now it will be easier to stick to when we're trying to conceive and needing to be healthy (years away, before any asks), or at the very least we won't be in for as much as a shock when our metabolisms finally decide to slow down (because let's be honest, I know we've both been very lucky in that department).

If I get a chance I'll try to upload our photos from New Year's later today, otherwise that will be coming later this week as well as a few more cooking successes/fails!

1 comment:

  1. Spaghetti also has vegetables. Especially if you add some onion, mushrooms and diced tomatoes to your sauce. Try using ground turkey instead of beef or sausage. Tastes similar but significantly better for you.
