Friday, January 28, 2011


Compared to the crap we've been having, the weather today is supposed to be quite gorgeous. Actually, it's been quite nice the past couple of days, but I had to work both jobs those days. Today though? I actually have a free evening and would be able to go home and enjoy a nice leisurely run outdoors in the sun and "cool" temperatures. "Would be" being the key word. The past few hours have been a serious downhill slide for me. I was starting to feel stuffy last night so I took some Vitamin C before bed, and again this morning, but to no avail. I'm still stuffy and now I'm starting to feel achy. All just a mere two hours before I was to enjoy my outdoor, not on the treadmill run. Don't get me wrong, I'll probably still run (just because I'm stubborn and highs are supposed to be back into single-digits next week), but I just don't know if I'll be able to enjoy it. Sad day.

I do have some baking to look forward to tonight, though, so look for some (hopefully!) delicious recipes next week!

Update: Guess what I just found on the information-full world wide web? A plugged-up proboscis can result from more than just a cold or the flu. Other causes include allergies or a non-allergic inflammation in the nasal blood vessels (which can occur in response to stress, cold air, spicy food, or exercise) (From WebMD). Awesome. So that means it's possible that my sudden change in exercise regiment is the cause of my stuffy nose. Almost makes me reconsider my stubbornness to go running today. Almost

1 comment:

  1. Go to a doctor. Don't get our medical advice from WebMD. No self diagnosis. WebMD is a doctor's worst nightmare.
