Thursday, January 27, 2011


So I realized the other day that the sub-heading on my blog is a little bit of a misnomer. Because really, how many "tales" of Darrell and I have I shared in the previous 40+ posts? Not many. But here's the deal. If I were to be truly literal, and just blog about the things Darrell and I did together, this blog would get really repetitive--really fast. Most days it would look like this: dinner after work, then either something on DVD (usually Friends), working on a puzzle, or playing a game. And some nights are even less anti-climatic, with Darrell playing video games and me reading or catching up on Facebook. Or, if I were indeed to only blog about the times that Darrell and I actually did "exciting" stuff, well, then, this blog would also get boring, if for no other reason than the fact that I'd only be updating it like every other week. So I apologize for the lack of "tales" that I have to share about our lives; we're just two people swamped with work right now. Case in point? We had dinner out of the Crockpot last night and we're doing the same tonight since we both will be at work/meetings/errands until close to eight. And that's just too late to start making something.

And just because posts are much more interesting with photos, here's a flashback to another one of the items Darrell and I crossed off our "101 in 1001" list--last summer we went on a carriage ride in downtown Sioux Falls!

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