Wednesday, April 13, 2011

They're Alive!!

How awesome is that?!?! Our little seeds are actually growing into something! You have no idea how excited I was the day I came home and saw the first little green sprout. I instantly took a picture with my phone and sent it to Darrell, despite the fact that he'd be coming home in less than two hours. Of course, being the ever down-to-earth and level-headed guy that he is, his response was: Don't get too excited... We still have a long ways to go

Well I say phooey to that! I'm going to get excited by every little milestone along the way because it makes me happy (yes, cue the "simple pleasures for simple minds"; I've heard it all before). And truthfully, I was mostly just excited that our setup was actually working--it's a biodegradable Menards planter filled with plant starter soil and covered with a greenhouse-esque dome that's just sitting on a chair in our kitchen. Apparently, though, that's good enough for these guys! The sprouts you see are broccoli in the foreground and tomato in the background; the green onion was just starting to peek up and we're still waiting to see anything from the squash and peppers (and all of the herbs). But I'm convinced that if these little guys can make it, then the rest of them can too!

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