Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Blessings!

I know I'm a few days late on this, but I was so busy enjoying my long weekend that I just never found myself inspired to get on the computer. Unfortunately, I had to keep myself busy by myself; not only did Darrell not get any days off for the Easter holiday, but he actually ended up having to work the Saturday before Easter. However, we did (finally!) get some time together on Sunday night, and since Spring decided to make a glorious return (albeit short lived since it's already back to cold and rainy) we decided to make the most of it. How?

I can't tell you how excited Darrell was to get out to the driving range; he was giddy like a kid in a candy shop the whole way home from Webster (we went to go visit my sister and see some of the remodeling she's done in her new house for Easter). Of course, on the way to the range he was all negative and preparing himself to have an awful time on the range since it's his first time out this spring. It didn't seem to me like things went too terribly, although he does have a massive blister now. And what, you may be asking, did I do while Darrell was practicing his golf game? Laid on the grass and looked through a recipe book. Thrilling. But seriously, I could have been out there doing far more torturous and boring things and I wouldn't have minded. It was incredibly gorgeous--no wind or anything. A rare gem of an evening in good ole South Dakota. 

And nothing wraps up a wonderful evening quite like this:

In retrospect, we probably shouldn't have made a dinner out of popcorn (popped over the stove! Sooo delicious that way) and smoothies, but at the time it seemed like a good idea. And our Redbox selection? The King's Speech. Pretty solid movie--I guess it won all those awards for a reason! We really didn't know anything about the movie going into it, but it ended up being a successful choice--although for just a dollar it's hard to go wrong with Redbox!

Stay tuned this week; I've got a backlog of posts to get caught up on, including a bread recipe that is To. Die. For. I'll try to get to it later today, but I'm definitely going to have to wait until after I've eaten to blog about it because just thinking about it (on an empty stomach!) is making my mouth water. 

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