Friday, April 22, 2011

Alfred Hitchcock in SD?

So I get home from work the other day and as I'm getting out of my car I start to notice this strange whirring/buzzing sound. I didn't think too much of it and just figured one of my neighbors was out with some sort of tool getting a head start on yard work (despite the cold weather and soggy yards). However, as I'm walking across the street to the mailbox, I look up and see this on the neighbor's roof:

All those black spots you see? Birds. All birds. No joke. So of course, I start looking around the whole neighborhood to see if there are birds on any other roofs or just that one. I notice a few birds on one of the houses behind mine, so once I get inside I decide to step onto my deck for a better look. And find this:

More birds. All along the fences, all over the empty lot next to our house, all up on rooftops. There had to be hundreds of them. It was unreal. I took a picture with my cell and sent it to Darrell and his response was "What the hell? Why us?" I certainly echo those sentiments.

But you know what? Less than ten minutes later they were gone. All of them. Not a trace left in the neighborhood. And I've not seen another one in the days since. Definitely added to the weirdness of the whole thing. Plus, I'm convinced the birds were a harbinger of strange things to come, because later that night I'm baking some bars and this happens:

Yes, that is a stainless steel measuring cup, and yes, that is the broken handle sitting next to it. Busted off while I was scooping oatmeal. Oatmeal! So bizarre. And since this is the second set of measuring cups that Darrell and I have managed to bust in the eleven months that we've been married (the first set cracked in half!), we decided to step it up a notch a bought the heaviest-duty set we could find. I'm going to be majorly disappointed if something happens to one of them--for what we paid for them they'd better come with a lifetime warranty!

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