Friday, April 8, 2011

Green Thumb-ing It!

Despite our crazy work schedules (Darrell's been putting in some 60-hour weeks--gross!), we have managed to spend a little bit of time together doing something productive. We still have a long ways to go before we have anything resembling a garden in our backyard, but we finally decided where it's going to go and what to plant in it!

Our humble garden beginnings:

Note my yellow tape and cheat sheet under the planter so that when we go to transplant them into the garden we know which seedlings are which. I was feeling pretty good about myself when I had that idea :)
It should be noted that we have absolutely no idea what we are getting ourselves into. We currently have two tomato plants and four pepper plants taking root (hopefully!) in our little seedling green house. Do we have any idea how much vegetables those plants will yield? Not a clue. So if you start to see lots of salsa and fajita cooking going on later this summer, you'll know why. We also have plans to do squash, broccoli, spinach, zucchini, green beans, and green onions (that doesn't sound like biting off more than you can chew, does it?). We (literally) couldn't be more clueless about this whole process, and Darrell is very much of the "let's just do it and if it fails then we'll try it a different way next time" mentality, so this summer will either be a massive failure or a massive success. I'm praying for the later--I've got oodles of veggie-heavy summer dishes (off the grill!) that I can't wait to start trying. And using produce from our own garden will be significantly cheaper (and supposedly healthier. But I only really care about the cheaper part).

Not only did we decide to test out our green thumbs on a vegetable garden, but Darrell has also been dying to have an herb garden in the kitchen, so we got that project started as well. The progress?

You won't believe how many stores we had to go to before we found something that would be acceptable to put on that ledge. Darrell really wanted a rectangular planter, but they were either massively deep or way too wide. So hopefully these little pots do the trick; I think they look super cute, and that window couldn't be in a more perfect location--it's within an arms reach of the stove and gets gobs of sunlight. I know Darrell planted two pots of basil, and I think the other three are rosemary, parsley, and cilantro. 

Stay tuned for progress on our little adventure--I'm dying to see some little green sprouts start to stick up! (And you can fully expect pictures of them when they do!)

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