Thursday, April 28, 2011

It's That Time of the Year Again!

Prom Season. Graduation Season. Wedding Season. Swimsuit Season.

So many different monikers for the season formally known as Spring. One big one is missing, though, and in my mind it's the one that ties all of the others together: Get-Your-Butt-in-Shape Season. Every time I get on Facebook there are at least two status updates where people are agonizing about how hard it is to get back in shape, complaining about losing the winter weight, and fretting about putting that swimsuit on for the first time. All over the internet the "special feature" articles are about trimming down and toning up, body cleanses, and finding the perfect swimsuit. Of course, the articles aren't all pushing for weight loss, such as the ones criticizing princess-to-be Kate Middleton for loosing too much weight prior to her big day (tomorrow!). Good, bad, or otherwise, all of the articles and publicity solidify the fact that right now really is a time of the year where people are more likely to become self-conscious of the way they look--because as the temperatures get higher, so do the hemlines. 

My response to the whole matter? Meh. I mean, I totally get it and I'd be lying if I said that I'm always all smiles when I pull my swimsuit out of the drawer for the first time in the spring. But I don't think that relegating fitness (and with it, healthy eating) to one "season" of the year is the best approach. It should be a whole-year full-lifestyle kind of thing. That being said, I do tend to find myself stepping up my game in the spring. It's so easy to go running when the sun is beckoning you outside and the sidewalks and roads aren't covered in ice and snow. And it's so easy to eat healthy when the supermarkets are laden with fresh fruits and vegetables (at reasonable prices!). And this spring, I'm going to step up my game more than usual. Not because of some crazy "swimsuit" season or anything, but because I've got another 5K on the horizon--a 5K that I'd like to finish in under 28 minutes. And maybe later this summer I'll man up and run a 10K. Either way, it's back to a training schedule and lots of running--but I'm more okay with it now than I was before the St. Patty's 5K because I'll actually be able to do most of my running outside (so long as spring actually sticks around). First up on the training agenda? Two mile runs on Saturday and Sunday. Bring on Prom/Wedding/Graduation/Swimsuit Season!

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