Fortunately, I'm not talking about my skin. But unfortunately, I am talking about my brain. I think this heat is getting to me--the heat index is solidly in the triple digits today, and since we're young and cheap and can handle the heat our house is a balmy eighty degrees. Normally I'd park it in front of a fan with an ice cold beverage on afternoons like this...but we've got company coming tonight. So I've been trudging through our sticky humid house all afternoon cleaning. And doing laundry (which, blessedly, is in the basement, so at least it's like ten degrees cooler when I get to go down there).
And it was with the laundry that things began to fall apart. Despite the fact that I did not want to be doing laundry, I figured that I would throw in a load of sheets to necessitate a few extra trips to the nice cool basement. Well, I got the sheets all good and clean, got the bed all put back together...and realized that I was missing a pillowcase. I retraced my steps, and no pillowcase was to be found. The only explanation I could come up with was that I had made the pillowcase into the bed--which, considering I pretty much made the bed in the dark and they are dark sheets, wouldn't be all that surprising (for the record--I was in the near-dark because I've got the curtains closed to keep the sunlight and heat out, and I didn't feel like turning on the lights and wasting electricity for the little bit of time it would take me to make the bed. Yes, I do feel guilty for only working part-time in the summer and being at the house using water and electricity while Darrell is at work).
Life lesson? Sometimes being lazy pays off. I was too dis-heartened by the thought of remaking the bed that I decided not to tackle the project just yet (or make Darrell do it when he got home). Imagine my surprise when the next load of laundry came out of the dryer and there was the pillowcase! I'm still not entirely sure if I left in the washer or dryer (and how I managed to miss it in either), but regardless, it wasn't tucked into the bed somewhere. And I was a happy camper.
But I'll be a happier camper in about an hour when I can crack into one of these:
Watch out Somersault--I've got my eye on you
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