Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Last week I spent a solid afternoon getting rid of some rampant enemies around our house. The weapons?

And the victims:

For the record, that picture doesn't even do justice to the number of thistles we have in our yard. It's ridiculous. And our yard is pretty big, so it took For. Ever. to spray them all (total first world problem, right?). There's an empty lot next to ours, though, so no matter what we do to our yard, weeds continue to grow and seed and blow right the heck into our yard. Our lawn has gotten significantly thicker over the past year, though, so it's able to defend itself from some of the intruders. Maybe by next year we'll actually be able to walk around our yard barefoot. Maybe.

A new enemy has been showing his ugly fact quite a bit the past few days, and so far the only effective weapon I have is a rolled up newspaper.

He's about as big as a quarter, black and all sorts of furry, and has like a million friends living around our house. Everytime I see one I point it out to Darrell, and all he says is "it's probably just a wolf spider". Like that's supposed to make me feel better--do you have any idea how big those things can get?!?!

For the most part I only see them outside (and believe me, they are everywhere outside), but this one got in the house. If Darrell worked closer to home I seriously would have called him to come home and take care of it. Furry spiders and I are not friends. But, in an effort to keep my husband from getting totally agravated with me, I killed it myself. And then bragged to him about it. He was not very impressed.

In other news, we've been so busy doing home improvement projects and killing stuff that our kitchen started to look like this:

It's okay if you gag a little. I felt that way every time I looked at it. Thankfully, once I actually had the time to tackle it, 75% of it went in the dishwasher (once I emptied the clean dishes out of it, of course). The rest are all good and washed....and still sitting in our dish drainer. One of these days I'm going to get a talking to from my husband about priorities... But until then, the blog lives on! :-)

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