Wednesday, June 1, 2011

5K Time?!? Already?!?

Is it seriously June today? Yuck. Time needs to just up and slow down. Or maybe I just need to not get sick. Because seriously, I had been feeling pretty good about the 5K coming up this Saturday. I've been slowly adding on mileage over the past month, making sure to do some speed work, and actually starting to enjoy a nice cool run at 7 AM. And then--food poisoning. Four days off at the beginning of race week? Not ideal. Especially since Saturday I put in a 7.5 miler (and have awesome sunburn lines to prove it)--and haven't ran since. So now tomorrow is Thursday, and I'm feeling well enough to go out and put in a couple miles, but I certainly won't go too hard this close to the race (or this soon after massive digestive issues). I'm just hoping I can make it through with a solid effort on Saturday; I'd been hoping to break twenty eight minutes, but I don't know about that anymore.

Stupid sickness aside, things went really well this time around with my little training plan. Granted, I totally failed at weights again, but whatever. It's not like I need that much core and upper body strength for a 5K anyway, right? At least that's what I'll keep telling myself. Like I mentioned, I peaked last week with a 7.5 mile run, which I must say I was really proud of myself for completing. Not proud of myself for forgetting sunscreen, but that'll happen. With that run, I brought my total over the past four weeks up to 43 miles--pretty solid for someone who doesn't really consider herself to be a runner. I'm going to aim to keep that up for the summer; ten miles a week seems pretty reasonable, whether or not I'm training for a race--which after Saturday I might decide to sign up for one sooner than later to redeem myself!

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