Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Birthday America!

What's that you say? Independence Day was yesterday? Whatevs. I was too busy having fun at the lake to worry about getting a post in. And while we got some pretty sweet pics of the fireworks and fun holiday festivities, I've got to do a little catching up first before I get to those pictures. We took a trip out to Kimball last weekend to visit our good friends and their adorable little girl and had a blast hanging out down by the river.

(Please ignore all my ridiculous facial expressions. Apparently I don't take candid photos very well)
As has been the case for the past week or so, the weather was extremely hot and dry, so cooling off in the river felt fantastic. Plus it even cooled down enough to do a bonfire later that evening, which was just as fun (although--par for the course--I consumed waaay too many roasted marshmallows). We don't make it out to Kimball near as often as we would like, but always have a great time when we are there.

Hope everyone had a safe and wonderful 4th!

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