Thursday, July 26, 2012


First, there was what I thought was near-and-certain death for my zucchini plants. But, I persevered and proactivity tried to stop the infestation (unlike my method of just ripping the plants out like I did last year) and some of them made a recovery. And not just a weak, slow recovery, but instead produced this massive zucchini less than a week later.

Well, folks, apparently the show isn't over yet. Because just a few days ago, I harvested this bad boy from my garden.

And for a visual on the girth, here is me trying to wrap my hand around it.

Seriously. That's all the farther I can get my hand around the zucchini. It's ridiculous.

Unfortunately, my plant must have put any and all energy that it had into this fruit, because when I went out to the garden a few nights later to pick some broccoli for dinner, the plant was totally wilted. Not just overwhelmed from the ridiculous heat kind of wilted, but totally and completely gone kind of wilted. I don't think any amount of water and/or cool weather could help this plant. But, at least it went out with a bang. And I've still got one zucchini plant that is fighting away, plus my squash plants are starting to produce some fruit, so not all is lost (and temperatures are supposed to drop below ninety this weekend! Still no rain in the forecast, but at least that's something I can help supplement).

As I mentioned, we also harvested some broccoli the other day.

Not near as spectacular as the size of my zucchini, but any time I can get fresh produce for free by walking out my back door I call it a win in my book. Hopefully it'll only be a few more weeks before I can start getting some beans and tomatoes from our garden as well!

PS Have you gotten your blizzard yet? Don't forget about Miracle Treat Day today going on at Dairy Queens nationwide!

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