Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Four Vines Naked Chardonnay

So I know it's been like six months since I've posted about any beer/wine, but trust me, it isn't for lack of drinking the stuff. It's more a lack of awareness to stop and take a picture before I have the whole bottle polished off. I suppose there are worse problems to have.

This was one, though, that I wasn't about to forget to document. After my first sip, I felt compelled to share this wine with the world (or at least the handful of people who read my blog). Why? Honestly, it was because I had to check the label and make sure I had bought a chardonnay (like I thought) and not a pinot grigo (like it tasted like). It lacks any of the dryness that I usually associate with chardonnays, and was instead teeming with crisp fruit notes (pear I could identify, the website also identifies apple and white peach as being present). I'm not sure if the fact that the wine is aged in a oak-free barrel (hence the name "naked") is responsible for this or not, but I'm definitely a fan. It was the perfect wine to sip on a warm summer day--and unfortunately, those warm summer days have long outlasted my bottle of naked chardonnay. Good thing I can always get more!

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