Friday, July 13, 2012

Peas and Carrots and Onions Oh My!

Well, although discovering the infestation of our zucchini plants was a disappointing start to the week (they might be recovering though! fingers crossed), we've actually had a fairly successful week of gardening.

Since these were all new additions to our garden this year, we weren't entirely certain when to harvest them. The peas weren't too bad since they are above ground, but we were shooting in the dark with the onions and carrots. We were pretty pleased with the size of the red onions, although stopped after pulling just one carrot since it was still pretty small. And because we really weren't going to be doing any cooking with just one carrot, Darrell insisted that I eat it Bugs Bunny style.

I was pretty pleased with the flavor; I usually buy baby carrots which generally have less of an "earthy" taste and are a little more tender, but this one was pretty good. Definitely looking forward to picking the rest when they are a little more ready!

We love using sugar snap peas in our stir frys, which was exactly where these peas (and one of the red onions) ended up.

We kind of made this one up as we went; we had a partially used jar of asian toasted sesame sauce that we wanted to get rid of, so we cooked the pork and veggies (yellow pepper, broccoli slaw, sliced zucchini, peas, and red onion) in that and then tossed some rice noodles in hoisen and soy sauce. It was actually a little less flavorful than we were expecting it to be, and probably not something we're itching to recreate, but it was perfect for what we were trying to do. Looking forward to trying something different with the next batch of peas we get from the garden--and it looks like we'll be getting green beans soon as well!

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