Monday, May 9, 2011


Pure, total, complete hate. And it's legit. Because when you discover a colony of wasps building these on your house, you're allowed to hate. Utterly hate.

Tell me that's not the grossest thing you've ever seen. And you wouldn't believe the number of wasps we took down when we sprayed these things--that medium sized one alone had at least ten on it. Darrell got a picture of them at the nest using his super high-zoom lens on his camera; I'll update with it as soon as we find the USB cord for the camera. And even though we waited until dusk to spray the nests (which is apparently ideal because the wasps are more likely to be at the nest and docile), we apparently missed a crap ton of them. Because we sprayed the nests Friday night, and when I was outside Saturday I sprayed at least five individual wasps that were just flying around. We saw even more later that day, and some again on Sunday, but we ran out of Raid so we couldn't kill them. But we will get them. And if they try to build another nest, we'll get that too. Especially since we finally bought a ladder. These wasps will rue the day they inhabited our property. Because I H.A.T.E. wasps.

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