Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Great Cookie Debate

The process has begun. Remember when I promised to find and perfect the best chocolate chip cookie recipe by the end of the summer? Well, trial number one is in the books. And it's inconclusive at best.

Not that there is any real difference in appearance, but the cookie on the right was baked after the dough was refrigerated for 24 hours. The taste difference? Marginally better for the cookie baked from the refrigerated dough. Darrell and I both thought that it was definitely a little chewier and had slightly more pronounced flavors, but nothing so profound that it necessitates refrigerating the dough first (especially because then I end up snacking on it).

I'm still not happy with the way they are baking and their final appearance though, no matter how good their taste is. As you can see in both cookies, the chocolate chips remained concentrated to the middle, which was caused by the thinning out of the dough (and only the dough) as it baked (and I even baked these on an ungreased cookie sheet!). Not only do I want evenly dispersed chocolate, but I also want puffy, pillowy cookies!

I've got a few revisions to try though. Although I was displeased with this attempt, I think it's best if I stick with the same recipe next time (it's just the one off the Nestle Tollhouse bag). Because I want to try not creaming the butter and sugar quite so much. Usually I get bored with the mixer while the mixture is still significantly grainy and in loose bits, but I beat this batch until it was super light and fluffy. Which I think may have caused it to be more inclined to spread while it baked. Additionally, a friend suggested that my cookie scoop might be to blame because it forms too dense of balls to allow for proper baking. I don't know if I'll completely give up the ease of my cookie scoop, but I think I'll try flattening the dough slightly before baking.

It might be awhile before I get around to my next attempt; I (foolishly) made a full recipe so we have quite a few cookies sitting around our house right now and I don't think Darrell will support my baking another batch right after we finish these. Something about sweets and snacking or something like that. Must. Remember. To. Cut. Back. Recipe.

I have, however, found an Ah-mazing peanut butter cookie recipe. Two cookie posts in one day might be a little much, but it might be happening!

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