Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

At least I hope it's a happy one for you! I can't quite say the same around here--we've been pretty well stuck inside all day by obnoxious hot and humid temps, 40+ mph winds, and a lovely bout of food poisoning. Thankfully just me (I don't know what we'd do if we were both sick!), but waiting on me has pretty well hindered Darrell's day as well (yes, I get needy when I'm sick, and yes, Darrell insists on taking care of me. Don't judge).

We did get a chance to enjoy ourselves a little bit over the holiday weekend. And of course, there's no better way to enjoy yourself over Memorial Day than with a little food off the grill and some beer.

I can promise you that it was tasty at the time, although it looks incredibly unappetizing to me now (except for the watermelon; I've been snacking on that--successfully!--all day).

We followed dinner up with a little fun and frivolity:

They gave a sad statistic before the show about how many drive-in theaters there used to be versus how many are still open. I'm just glad one of the handful that is still open is near us! I think drive-in theaters are super fun (and a great deal!) because you get to bring in stuff like this:

We do drive-ins in style. And don't judge me about the Hy-Vee cake; I would have made something myself but we were out of eggs. Turns out those are an important ingredient when baking.

The best part about this drive-in experience? We got to see this guy on the big screen:

Oh how I love you Captain Jack Sparrow. Pirates IV was pretty spectacular--although getting a good picture of him on the screen was a bit of a daunting task (the rain didn't help either).

One last picture before I settle down for yet another nap. For those of you with good eyes, you might catch a preview in this picture for what my post tomorrow is going to be about!

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