Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Gone Again....

Turns out that Spring is quite the fickle season. After a few pleasant weeks and finally shoving Old Man Winter aside for good, Spring has made another departure. Thankfully, it's Summer who has taken its place and not Old Man Winter, but still. I don't appreciate 86 degrees and high humidity for the middle of May. Nor do I appreciate 66 degrees and humidity at 6:00 in the morning when I'm getting up for a run. What ever happened to easing into the oppressive heat and humidity that defines a South Dakota summer?

On the other hand, I can't be too upset. Because when Old Man Winter isn't around, we get to do this:

I heart our deck. Especially on perfectly calm, cool evenings. With food fresh off the grill. *LOVE* And please forgive the randomly plated food--we were hosting dinner for Mother's Day the following night and didn't want to dirty all of our big plates. So we just took turns eating off the same plates. No big deal.

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