Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sharing isn't Fun

So I have a cousin who got into a really bad car accident a few months ago and he is just now coming home from the hospital (and has to begin oodles of rehab). My mom is heading out to visit him today, so I decided to send along a little home-baked goodie with her. Terrible idea. The recipe for Cinnamon Swirl bread that I found was painful to make--it smelled so good the entire time and killed me that we had to give it away. Had Darrell not been waiting with dinner on the table I may have actually lifted the bowl to my face to make sure it was completely licked clean. I even got a phone call from my mom after I dropped it off asking why I hadn't dropped off an extra loaf from her because it smelled so good that it was making her want to cut into it. 

Needless to say this bread is making it onto my "to cook" list SOON--and you can't bet I won't be sharing it if it's half as good as it smells!

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