Friday, March 11, 2011

Driveway Update

Remeber this wonderfulness that we came home to on February 21st? Well, it's been nearly three weeks and I can happily say that it's mostly gone. With very little back-breaking effort from us. Today's high was supposed to be close to 50, and since I had the day off of work I went outside around 10 for about fifteen minutes just to break up some of the bigger pieces that were still left and scrape off some of the top layer of slush and then let the sun work it's magic. And it worked it wonderfully. We still have a little bit of a limp going into and out of our driveway, but that's because that part of our house is NEVER in the sun. But it's supposed to be warm again a few days next week, so hopefully it'll go away on it's own.

The bigger issue now has become the walkway into our house. One of our downspouts drains right on the seam of the front walk and driveway, and it's also an area that receives very little sunlight, so every day that sun melts snow and ice off our roof it flows down onto the layer upon layer of ice already at the bottom of the downspout and freezes pretty quickly. I'm convinced we're going to need some ice melt (or serious manual labor) to get that stuff cleared away--at least if we want it gone before June!

Oh, and don't get fooled into thinking that tomorrow is going to be a good day for the 5K because it's been nice today. South Dakota doesn't work like that. Today's high was 48; tomorrow's is 28. How does that happen you ask? 35-40 mph winds out of the north--which aren't supposed to die down until tomorrow afternoon. AFTER the 5K. Super excited. My expectations for my time keep getting lower and lower.... I think I'm going to have to run another one soon and redeem myself. Otherwise I'll feel like all my training was for naught.

Happy Weekend!

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