Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fudgy Crinkles

I firmly believe that a nice, homemade baked good makes every situation better--or at least more bearable. So when one of my friends had a cat get out and not return earlier this week, fixing her a sweet treat was right up my alley. Plus I had recently stumbled across this super quick and delicious sounding recipe, and since I was short on time after work I knew this would be the perfect time to make it!

Fudgy Crinkles
(I've got to find the link for where I got this from--it's too good not to share!)

1 box Devils Food cake mix
2 eggs
1/2 cup canola oil
Powdered sugar

Mix together the dry cake mix, two eggs, and canola oil. The dough will be fairly thick. Roll the dough into one inch balls and then coat with powdered sugar. (Don't be afraid to be generous with this--I ended up putting more on after I pulled them out because I had coated them too lightly!) Place the balls onto a greased cookie sheet and bake in a 350* preheated oven for 8 - 10 minutes (don't overbake!). Makes about two dozen.

That's it! Soooo easy. I had them mixed up and baked in less than 30 minutes. And don't be afraid to error on the side of underbaking--Darrell and I had one fresh out of the oven and it was quite gooey on the inside, which made me worry if I'd pulled them out too soon. But after they cooled completely they were nice and firm on the outside but still plenty soft on the inside. 

I'm excited to try these with other cake mixes--I'm thinking that using red velvet would make a easy and delicious Valentine's Day treat!

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