Friday, December 17, 2010


I admit it. I totally judge a book by its cover. I love looking through lists of popular and highly acclaimed literature and the searching the books on Barnes and Nobles to see which ones I want to add to my "to read" list (the list is currently over 400 books long...I can be ambitious, right?). But in my searches I've discovered lots of books that deter me based solely on their outward appearance. Take for example, this one: 
I'm not a fan of partial images of people on my books. It's just weird. And often overly cutesy (although this image verges on creepy...) And from my experiences, a lot of books with covers like this tend to be young adult fiction. Not that I have anything against young adult books, but when I curl up with a book I don't exactly want to find myself roaming the halls of a high school and dealing with teenage drama when I'm dealing with paying bills and busted transmissions.
Or then there are books like this:
Does anyone else see a fantasy/supernatural/weird mystery/suspense story? I'm just not feeling it. Plus there is just so much going on--I'm a little overwhelmed and I haven't even opened the book. And don't get me wrong, I've read a few fantasy novels in my time, and they weren't terrible, but I've hardcore been sucked into historical/real-life fiction and I can't get enough of books like that. 
Now here's a book that I can get on board with:
Simple, cute cover with no overly-fancy lettering or excessive editing. Looks like a picture I could take (and would want to take). This is a book that when it pops up during my slew of searching, I take the time to read the synopsis to further decide if I should add it to my list (for the record, it's on there). Superficial? Yes. Judgmental? Yes. But I have to rule out books somehow--there are just so many good books and not enough time to read them all!

1 comment:

  1. Check out Lolita by Nabakov. Hah! You'd hate the cover. Part of a young girl's face. However it is considered to be a classic. Though, the contents might match the creepiness of the cover. But, good book! I intend to re-read soon.
