Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas in ATL

Snow and all, we had a wonderful Christmas down in Atlanta. It's always great to see Darrell's side of the family--I only wished we lived closer so we could see them more than once a year!
We flew out of MSP on Christmas Eve, and it didn't exactly look promising that we were going to make it out.

Four inches of snow on the ground Friday morning, and it was still coming down as we sat at the airport. Thankfully, Minneapolis is fully equipped to deal with snow, so flights weren't terribly behind. We actually boarded our flight when we were supposed to, but apparently we boarded without a pilot because his plane was delayed getting in, so we had to sit on the plane and wait an hour for him. I slept through most of that, so it went by pretty quickly. Then we had to wait for our plane to get de-iced, and since we were leaving after our scheduled departure time we had to wait behind the other flights that were on time. But, we made it out and to Atlanta with plenty of time to spare before the Christmas Eve service, so it wasn't a major issue.
After the service we went to Waffle House (per tradition) and subsequently tucked ourselves into bed with a grease coma. We were staying with Darrell's aunt and uncle (mom's side) who have three little ones, so Christmas morning came early with eager anticipation to see what Santa brought (a Wii! They played it pretty much the rest of the day). We left mid-afternoon to spend time with Darrell's other side of the family and have a massive Christmas dinner (cue food coma number two for the weekend).
As I already mentioned, a few inches of snow wrecked havoc in ATL, so Sunday morning we got to sleep in and then go play in it.
Breezy on the attack
Susie playing catch with the snowballs we were throwing
We then spent the rest of the day celebrating Christmas with Darrell's mom's side of the family, which is quite a bit larger than his dad's side, so there was a lot of catching up to do. After grazing on the spread of food all day and a quick stop for ice cream, we went back to where we were staying. The girls already had the Wii fired up, and were playing Just Dance 2.

It was awesome. The big kids kept the dance party going after the younger ones went to bed--there's a few videos on Facebook--and although there is no evidence of it, I will say that we got to witness Darrell shaking it like a polaroid picture. It was quite spectacular.
We left pretty early Monday morning, and although most of the airports on the upper East Coast were closed and delayed from the snow storm, Atlanta was running pretty smoothly and we made it home without any issues.
It was quite a whirlwind weekend, but I can't ever complain about a weekend packed with family, food and fun!

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