Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Shopping

Darrell and I have gone out shopping three times with the intent of getting some Christmas shopping done. And here's what the list looks like so far:

Gifts needed for Archer Christmas: 4
Gifts purchased: 0.5

Gifts needed for Griggs Christmas: 5
Gifts purchased: 2

We've gone to the stores three times people, and that's all we have to say for ourselves (should I mention we bought stuff for ourselves on those trips? No? Okay). And the only reason we have two done for the Griggs side is because we always just buy gifts for the Angel Tree and that's our "gift" to Darrell's parents, so of course those were easy ones to take care of (navigating the toy section at Target, however, was not so easy). It's not like we haven't tried--but they are either out of what we want, or the thing we want is WAY overpriced ($30 for Toy Story at Barnes and Noble? No thank you!)  And now we're stuck in a position where we are out of town this weekend and Darrell has training ALL of next week, which means I'm probably going to end up going by myself to get the rest of the gifts. And I do not like driving in crazy Christmas-week traffic. We really need to be better organized next year..... Or maybe the year after that.... 

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