Saturday, December 11, 2010


So yesterday I went running outside and today it looks like this:

That's a legit blizzard people. Every now and then we can't see our neighbor's house directly across the street. Ridiculous. As you can well imagine, pretty much everything is closed, which means we have no reason to leave the house today. Perfectly wonderful. I keep my baking supplies stocked well enough that I only needed to borrow two eggs from my neighbor, and she was even nice enough to bring them over--through the two foot drifts in the middle of the road. Darrell has been able to do some work from home, although he's spent the majority of the past 30 minutes documenting this blizzard. On the agenda for the rest of the day? Baking, games, movies, and of course, cocoa!

(For the record, this weather is apparently nothing like what Minneapolis is getting. They've gotten twice as much snow as we have in the past twelve hours. My well-wishes to everyone up there--stay warm!)

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