Thursday, August 4, 2011


Our house is apparently a haven for insects. We have spiders a plenty in the basement (part of the reason why cleaning it keeps getting put off), we have wasps a plenty outside (I think we're on nest six or seven for the summer), and we recently had ants a plenty in the house (you can bet that I sent Darrell out for some ant killer almost instantly). And as much as all of those suck, I suppose I can understand them a little bit; after all, they all tend to be common household pests. But this?!?!

I am soooo not okay with that being in my house. We have absolutely no idea where it came from, nor do we know what it is (Darrell thinks it's some sort of grasshopper--but it's frickin huge!!). It's just a good thing Darrell was home when I found it--I've started taking on some of our other household enemies, but no way was I going to take on this thing. I'm usually not much of a girly-girly, but when stuff like this shows up in my house, all bets are off.

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