Tuesday, August 9, 2011

In the Nick of Time...

I'll warn you now, the picture accompanying this post is a little gross. Actually, it's a lot gross. But this is what happens when you have wasps all over the frickin place.

Here's the background. Even though we killed three fairly decent sized wasps nests this spring, another one a month ago, and had one blow off the house in a storm, we kept seeing wasps fly around. So we went out to investigate again. We found one underneath our deck, but decided that as long as we were checking we'd be absolutely thorough. Up on the roof we went to check where our eaves overlap. And boy, was that ever a good decision. Not only did we find a handful of a nest, but it had six wasps on it. We also got two additional ones that were trying to fly back to the nest as we were sitting on the roof. But that's not the gross part. Apparently when you spray the wasps nest with Raid (which, for the record, we will never use anything else for wasp control), it not only kills the adult wasps that are perched on it, but also the larvae that are growing. And by kills them, I mean makes them fall out of the nest. You ready for this picture?

Isn't that disgusting?!? We counted just over twenty larvae that fell out of the nest--and some of those larvae have got to be close to maturity; they're about the same size as the dead adult wasps! Can you imagine if we hadn't gotten to that nest when we did?? It honestly makes my stomach churn just a little bit.

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