Monday, August 1, 2011

Good Friends, Good Fun, Good Grill

I was a little MIA last week because my good friend who has been living in Hong Kong for the past three years was back in town for a short visit. And we also got to finally meet her Canadian boyfriend (who she met in HK... It's a little random, I know). So we spent a good bit of time out and about last week showing him all of the exciting things Sioux Falls has to offer (and subsequently plan to recover this week). We also learned that since space is such a precious commodity in Hong Kong (and really, most of Asia), grilling is a fairly uncommon occurrence. And if you do find stuff that's been grilled, chances are that it's also been drenched in teriyaki sauce. Not that teriyaki is altogether bad...just a little boring after like the second time. So, thanks to some great weather and surprisingly open schedules, we were able to get a group together for a grill out. And grill we did.

It was quite the assortment of meats and veggies on the grill that night. Which is why grilling is an absolutely perfect choice for dinner with a group of people. And why buying a big grill was a great investment. Haven't regretted that purchase for a minute!

I'll share a few more of the things we did with the Asian and Canadian later this week (or once I get pictures!)--Sioux Falls is just so full of boring exciting things to do that I don't want to overwhelm you all at once!

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