Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Arrogant Bastard Ale

One of the coolest places we visited (multiple times) in Chicago was this massive wine and beer warehouse. They had a ton of imports, in addition to brews from all sorts of small, regional breweries--and that's just the beer selection! This particular beer is actually available at specialty liquor stores in Sioux Falls (so I've been told), but I just had to get it once I read the bottle (which I really wish I had with me so I could quote it exactly). Basically, the entirety of the label on the back is a rant about how you are not good enough to drink this beer and this is the best beer in the world and if you don't like it then just just means that you are not worthy, not that the beer isn't good. Well, apparently I am not worthy. But I certainly won't go around tarnishing the name of this beer--because while it wasn't for me, it certainly wasn't bad. I was kind of expecting something like a Newcastle meets Killian's based on it's coloring and description, and it was really more like Newcastle meets Killian's meets massive amounts of hops. Which Darrell, who has recently become a big IPA fan, was all over. But I suppose I should have expected the hops--or at least something--in there; after all, it is called Arrogant Bastard, and deservedly so!

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