Friday, February 4, 2011

Eat, Pray, Love
Have you read this book yet? No? Well why not?!?! It is quite delightful. And don't go telling me that you've seen the movie, because I have to believe it is no where near the same. But, since I don't plan on seeing the movie myself, I probably can't knock it too much--I've just been sorely disappointed as of late by books made into movies (The Time Traveler's Wife and Dear John, to name a few disappointments) and I don't have any desire to taint another great book with a mediocre movie. 

What I enjoyed most about this book was how honestly it was written. It's a memoir, and it follows the author's journey to "find" herself. But the narration style of the author isn't all sugar-coated and self-protecting; she's honest about her mistakes, honest about the way she dislikes some of the things she's done, and often altogether snarky when having an inner dialogue. Who out there doesn't ridicule themselves in their head? Who hasn't, at times, called themselves a failure or looked for the easy way out? This is real life people. Granted, not everyone has the luxury of being able to afford a year-long trip to three different countries (as much as most of us would probably looooove to be able to do that), but that's a minor detail. I felt like the author took her "worldly" experiences and described them in a way that made you feel like you could recreate some of the same emotions in your own home. Or maybe I just feel that way because I have a tendency to get sucked into books. Who knows. 

In all seriousness though, I really do feel like there is something in this book for everyone--whether you are looking for a little more pleasure in your life, a little more divine intervention, or just a little more balance. It's definitely one I'm going to hang on to and read again.


  1. Have you read "The Help?" It's a good one. I think you'd like it.

  2. It's on my list! Of course, I have nearly 500 books on my list... Maybe I'll have to start prioritizing based on personal recommendations :-D
