Monday, February 28, 2011

ABCs of Me

After a weekend that went by remarkably fast, despite us actually having very little to do, I was bound to forget something come Monday morning. And today, that something was my camera cord. So, no pictures today, and subsequently my original plan for a post is out the window. But, I came across this little activity on a blog I follow, so I thought I'd give it a whirl!

All About Me ABCs

Age: 25
Bed Size: Queen
Chore You Hate: Doing the dishes. Especially after messy meals where there is all kinds of floating food particle stuff in the water. Thank goodness for dishwashers--I usually offer to load that while Darrell cleans the cookware that isn't dishwasher safe
Dogs: Definitely love them. My sister, however, hates them. So I guess that's one less houseguest we have to worry about once we get one?
Essential Start to Your Day: Breakfast. It's a must. 
Favorite Color: Green. Which is unfortunate, because this time of year in the Midwest there is virtually NO green to be found
Gold or Silver: Silver for sure. I don't think I own a single piece of gold jewelry
Height: 5'6"/5'7" 
Instruments You Play: I can work my way through a percussion section of a band pretty adeptly. I've also been known to rock out a few tunes on the piano (basic, 5th grade level tunes, but hey, it's something)
Job Title: Tutor. Coincidently, that's technically true at both jobs. It sounds much fancier on my resume though
Kids: Someday! And we'd both love to have somewhere in the ball park of four kids--so I'm sorta thinking we should maybe start in the next year or two. Maybe.
Live: opposed to die? Definitely going with Live
Mom's Name: Sherry (not Sherri or Sheri or Cherri or any other variation thereof that she's seen)
Nicknames: I go by Jess instead of Jessica, does that count? I had a few in college from my soccer teammates, but no one calls me those any more
Overnight Hospital Stays: None!
Pet Peeve: Poor grammar. I don't care if it's emails or texts or what--"I" is always capitalized, periods and commas cannot be neglected, and OH MY GOODNESS every computer and email system has a spell-check option--USE IT! When I find errors like this in professional, printed documents it always makes me highly agitated (for the record, I realize that I'm not perfect, but at least I make an effort)
Quote From a Movie: The only thing I really quote is the "Friends" TV show. And I quote that show All. The. Time. "Dude we are sooo gonna party" "Okay, dude alert" :-D
Righty or Lefty: Righty. But I've been known to bowl a mean strike with my left hand
Siblings: 2 by blood--older sister and younger brother, but I also consider Darrell's two sisters to be my siblings as well
Time You Wake Up: Between 6:15 and 6:30, which I don't consider to be too terrible
Underwear: Green today! (and that's all the details you need to know on that topic)
Vegetables You Dislike: This list has gotten significantly shorter since Darrell and I have been together. The only (common) vegetables I'll list--cauliflower and brussels sprouts--are really only on that list because I've never really tried them. Tomatoes could maybe go on the list as well--I certainly eat them, but the smaller the chunks the better. And don't even get me started on people who eat slices of tomato plain--ugh!
What Makes You Late: Forgetting stuff. I tend to do this a lot. Or my family. They've always been good at making me late
X-Rays: Never had any except at the dentist
Yummy Food that You Make: Sweets! I've come across and prepared a few disastrous meals, but my sweets usually come out a-okay! And whenever I'm looking to impress, I pull out my Great Aunt Rose's recipe for Sticky Rolls--it's always a winner at brunch!
Zoo Animal Favorite: Elephants! Too bad the Sioux Falls zoo is lame and doesn't have any.... Penguins and monkeys are usually the most fun to watch though. Oh, and meerkats! Our zoo recently got some of those and they were a hoot when we were down there last summer

Don't you feel so much closer to me already? Good. Now get back to being productive with your life

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