Monday, October 29, 2012

The Beginning

So I've already had a handful of requests to get pictures of "the bump" up here, but there's a few issues with that.

A) The pictures we have are not edited and in jpeg format yet (surprised? Don't be).
B) There really isn't much of a bump to speak of.

That being said, I do intend to get what few pictures we have up by the end of the week because, well, I'm excited to share them. Even if it does look like it's just the same picture of me taken six different times. In the meantime, I'm going to do some back-tracking on posts and start sharing some of the posts I've been writing over the past six months as we started this journey to parenthood.

(Written May 7th, 2012)

Whelp. Today makes it official. I dropped a little morning habit that was helping to prevent a little Darrell or Jess from making an appearance. The timing on a little rugrat's appearance is now all in God's hands (not that it wasn't before, but we're just interfering a little less than we had been). Whenever we see other little ones we get really excited about the prospect of having our own, but when we have busy days or want to do something spontaneous we're equally afraid of what we are getting ourselves into (we're no fools--a kid is a HUGE commitment).

We are, however, both (foolishly) expecting that we'll have no issue getting pregnant--we know that infertility is a major issue and fairly indiscriminate--but for whatever reason we have this assumption that since we both fall within the "normal" realm of healthy and have no previous issues to worry about, making a baby will come easily (I'll be honest--even though doctors say that it usually takes people three months to get pregnant after stopping the pill, I'll start to get upset/concerned if we aren't pregnant in those three months, even though I'll know that it's totally normal).

Miscarrying is something that we are both fairly concerned with, though, so even once we do find out we'll definitely be keeping the news a secret for a good while (miscarriages run in both of our families--although maybe only the family history of my mother matters in an issue like this? Who knows). Which--for the record--keeping things hush hush will be a challenge, especially with as frequently as we see my family (and subsequently drink booze). Heck, it'll even be hard to keep from them that we're trying, because as soon as I cut back on drinking people are bound to get suspicious. But don't worry, Darrell and I already have some clever plans up our sleeves.

Here's to the beginning of a new chapter in our lives! Cheers!! (with sparkling grapefruit juice, of course!)

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