Friday, September 23, 2011

Water for Elephants

I love love love this book. I'm really sad that I borrowed it from my sister-in-law and have to return it and can't just keep it for myself. You can bet I'll be buying this if I ever see it show up in a second-hand store somewhere. Although I doubt it will ever make it there since it's So. Good. and no one in their right mind would permanently part with it. A few of the things I loved about this book:

--It's about elephants (loosely, at least. And I love elephants. Did you not know that? Now you do)
--It's told by what I am picturing to be the cutest old man in the world (have you seen the movie Up? I'm picturing him to be like that guy--a little cantankerous, but sweet)
--There's a super dramatic (read: life and death possibility) love triangle
--It's a circus, so there are all sorts of quirky characters who make for "amazing spectacles" during the performance
--It's historically accurate, with good details about prohibition and survival during the Great Depression
--Did I mention that there's an elephant in it and it's narrated by a super cute old man?

I seriously flew through this book once I started reading it. So much so that I might actually read it again before giving it back (although I do have a stack of other books staring at me as well--so much to read, so little time!). And I know it will probably seem like I completely go back and forth on this whole "book made into a movie" thing, but this is another movie that I am actually excited to see. Granted, I'm sure the movie will screw up all sorts of things and the old man will not be cute at all--but I've read some reviews, including ones by people who have read the book, and it seems like the movie makers did a pretty good job. And besides--an elephant in a movie? I'm so there.

1 comment:

  1. Plus Kelly Nyberg is in the movie. So, there you go. Sioux Falls connection.
