Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Birthday Party!

Sunday afternoon Darrell and I headed a few hours west to celebrate the birthday of our favorite one year old. We were extra excited to celebrate because not only are the parents good friends of ours, but we've actually been babysitting their little girl on some Monday evenings, so it was fun to have her recognize us instead of just being another face in the crowd. Hopefully by the time we see her next Monday the sugar high and excitement of the party will have worn off.

And, since it was the party of a one year old, there really isn't a whole lot to say (because, let's face it, the kid didn't know what was going on half the time anyway), so I'll just let some pictures do the recapping.

Cutest. Elmo. Cake. Ever
Cutest. Birthday Girl. Ever. Her outfit was seriously to die for, especially because she's sort of getting the hang of walking so she would toddle for a few steps then fall forward, which caused her tutu to kick up and leave a cute little baby bum sticking up in the air. If only adults could get away with behavior like that
She wasn't quite sure what to do with the cupcake at first, but once she got the hang of it she devoured the thing. And fussed when they tried to clean the crumbs off her hand. By the way--notice her headband? Her mom made that! So adorable
What little girl doesn't need a life-size Elmo doll? Darrell and I may or may not be responsible for giving this to her....

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