Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ready for Baby?!?!

Now, before anyone gets too excited (ahem, Kim and Shirley), I'm going to start by saying this DOES NOT mean Darrell and I are jumping on the baby wagon. Not anytime soon, at least. What I do mean, though, is that WHEN we get pregnant, I'll think we'll be set to handle it.

Allow me to explain. Last night I babysat my friend's one-year old for four hours (and did I remember to take a single picture? Nope. I'm babysitting again next week, so maybe I'll remember then). Allow me to be somewhat boastful and brag about my accomplishments and productivity, all while watching a toddler (who, for the record, was not contained in a pack-n-play and was instead crawling around the house and exploring.

--Made lasagna for dinner (I did cheat and start it a little before she got there, but I still had to assemble it and put it in the oven with her there)
--Washed dishes from making dinner (and other assorted dishes stacked on our counter)
--Pushed the baby and stroller (and diaper bag and extra blankets and snack) to the high school and back (approximately one mile round trip, half of which is a gravel sidewalk)
--Sat through a 40-minute coronation ceremony for Homecoming (only a few fusses here and there, from the baby, not me)
--And, most importantly, I kept the baby alive and made sure she didn't ingest any foreign objects or break anything in our non-baby proofed house

Not too bad, eh?? And yes, I totally realize that one night does not equate a lifetime of caring for a child, and let's be honest, I didn't even have to deal with a dirty diaper so it wasn't even that realistic, but I was still pretty proud. And I even did most of the work by myself; Darrell came home for a short while and helped entertain Baby K while I was finishing up the dishes and getting the stuff loaded for our walk, but then he had to leave for a volleyball game, so the rest was on my own.

I know that Darrell and I will still be totally overwhelmed when we have a kid of our own, but it's nice to know that with a little bit of work and compromise we can still maintain a comparable lifestyle to the one we live now. Hopefully the next few babysitting experiences go equally smoothly and don't totally deter us from ever having kids of our own!

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